Syd's little portfolio

Art examples:

| Art Scenes from my series

| Places/Sceneries from the series

| Character/outfit Designs

Writing Examples

A) Hero Squad (Season 1 Series) Episode 4

Ster Blu: I thought you only have merfriends.Shellstream Seriana: Yes I do have. Before I became a protectorness I met other water tribes.Sparkle Light: Really? Can you tell us about it?Shellstream Seriana: Sure then ok uhm first is the mermaid or merman kind you already know about that but we have these shells they represented us when we were born! Our baby magic possesses a shell that can guide us and can find our home.

B) Hero Squad (Season 1 Series) Episode 7

Leo Cliff: Now that is a classical-looking song.Eve Chestera: Well this church is for some people who believed in godly heroes that saved the village.Sparkle Light: Really? What kinds of gods?Eve Chestera: 3 kinds but I might have forgotten everything about it. Over there, the girl with yellow earrings has a headband and a light-yellow-brown-looking outfit, she is a part of the choir. She goes to the same college as me but in the mornings, she goes there as she is a part of the choir and goes to college in the afternoons.

'Animation' related Examples

1) Rough Animatics

2) A bit full on animation

Current animations: